The decision of the Commission of the State Fiscal Service to refuse registration of VAT invoices was successfully appealed

The lawyers of Misechko & Partners successfully appealed the decision of the Commission of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine on the refusal to register VAT invoices that were sent to the client of the Misechko & Partners PC Idei for dealing with their counterparts.

According to the decision of the SFS, the economic operations of the PC Idei with its counterparties fell under the criteria of riskiness of business operations, and therefore registration of such VAT invoices was refused.

Based on the results of consideration of the complaint filed by the client of the Misechko & Partners, SFS Commission of Ukraine made a decision on its satisfaction and registration of VAT invoices.

The legal support of the project was carried out by the head of tax and customs practices Yuliya Demidenko.